Digital microscope Keyence VHX500
NanoFocus µscan select


Optical measurement of small sizes and surfaces

The PWFT has optical measurement technology for the two- and three-dimensional detection of surfaces and for the measurement of small geometric sizes with a high lateral resolution.

With the high-resolution NanoFocus µscan select and the Keyence microscope VHX 500, PWFT offers contract measurements and image analyses. Enquiries that require material science analyses in addition to geometric characterisation can also be served. Thanks to the cooperation with the Rheinische Fachhochschule in Cologne, equipment from the Institute of Manufacturing an Tooling Technologies (iWFT) can be used. Among other things, a scanning electron microscope with EDX analysis is available there.

Our servcies in the field of order measurements and image analyses


Surface measurement

Messgerät Keyence VHX500
NanoFocus µscan select

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We are happy to take the time for you and look forward to your inquiry by E-Mail or call us under +49 2137-9385315.

I look forward to talking to you!

Yours Marius Nahler
Managing director PWFT GmbH


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